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Our Process

Since product development is a broad discipline, we base our process on the characteristics of successful product development


Product Quality

How good is the product resulting from the development effort? Does it satisfy customer needs? Is it robust and reliable? Product quality is ultimately reflected in market share and the price that customers are willing to pay.

Product Cost

What is the manufacturing cost of the product? this cost includes spending of capital equipment and tooling as well as the incremental cost of producing each unit of the product. Product cost determines how much profit accrues to the firm for a particular sales volume and a particular sales price.

Development time

We value passion, determination, perseverance and the sense of urgency and achievement. We believe in what we are doing.

Development cost

How much did the firm have to spend to develop the product? Development cost is usually a significant fraction of the investment required to achieve the profits.

Development capability

We value transAre the team and the firm better able to develop future products as a result of their experience with a products more effectively and economically in the future.

For a good process of an engineering development project, the team including its leader should play a role in the technical aspect as well as coordinating with other stakeholders to include finance, sales and marketing departments, we define our core team as part of the whole project team, the following diagram illustrates the composition of a product development team for a mechatronic product of modest complexityparency because it is a key factor in customer relationship and we believe it is incredibly important when companies are putting their faith in us